
I feel my frailty now,
Paper thin and full of pride.
I feel all of my faults and ready to hide.
I feel. I feel. I wait for the feelings to pass.
Then come new feelings dredging up the past.
Regrets for things seemingly beyond my grasp.
A deep desire to change beyond me.

The peace is gone.
The sense is gone.
The hope is gone.
The faith is gone.

We all live on balance disrupted.
Your life from the scales interrupted.
Everything has changed.
I find no gain, but it will come.
Wait for it still.
A life subtracted from the scales weighs heavy.
Distracted from the way to will steady.

Live purposefully now.
Add weight back in by choice.
Chose who you will not lose
Knit closer the bonds loose.
Notice more details before excused.
Inquire more deeply, muse.

April 2017


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