Maze of Life

Sometimes you cannot control who leaves your life.
And you let go
Because you have to

Sometimes you can exert that effort and keep in touch.
And you don’t let go
Because you don’t have to.

Sometimes you can little control who comes into your life.
Maybe it’s a little person that you did or didn’t make.
Maybe it’s the service person at the local place you shop
Or the guy where you drop the recycling off.

They come, the ladder levels off, they move on to new horizons.
They grow up, they leave, new opportunity arises.
The maze of life closes in,
They appear to manage the escape that evades you.

Where are you going and why does it hurt so much not knowing?
Time doesn’t feel wasted as long as going is going forward and climbing is up.
But in the free fall, the circling, confused,
Dead end time passes empty, fast as lightning, with threatening rumbles of thunder…
Mumbling where are you?
Where are you going?
What are you wanting?
What are you knowing?
The echo comes back from the labyrinth answerless.
Each corridor seem yet another vain pursuit.
Pilgrims, passersby, destinationless, dare to follow you.

Continue on contented though,
As though learning were a pursuit of its own.
Finally notice that lost is only a feeling.
The beginning is far behind.
Dead ends are where people find you,
You lead them on Always With You.

Notice you have never been stuck.
Never without that elusive outlet.
Shortcuts the others never seem to get.
For He is with you and you are with me.


May & April 2017


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