From death to life

I would like to to post a few poems this week about life and death. About our home on earth and the transition to our spiritual home. I have written some of these poems to honour those who have already passed on to life. If written for someone one specific, I will write the name at the end.

The Search
By Lydia A. Meier

Home is in the heart, where it starts no one knows.
It doesn't roam with the wind or change with the name that you claim.

It may not be the raising place or the
familiar face greeting you day to day.

Independence or dependence does not hold it's reflection.
Cosy cottage on a glassy sea.

You're eighteen and free to search and roam
through fits of endless restlessness.

Choices, choices- the car, the plane, the train taking you away.
Still no peace, right or wrong, still no release.

Try a change, seize the day,
Still the chains tie you to the earth.

Joyous pain, hope and hurt again. Run away, run away.
Yet, where it ends is plain, the way clearly marked.

With all that the heart survives
It still never comes home until it dies.

He Stinketh

The stench is the proof.
The rotting corps,
The moulding food.

Give up the ghost.
Kick the bucket.
Hearing, Feeling?

Heart was beating,
Heard this pleading,
Head-waves fleeting,

Pinch and prick,
Write a note and stick,
A name around the toe,

Not living now,
Do what you will,
There will be a bill.

Spirit dash,
Free at last,
Run on home.
Pity me.


In memory of Jesus


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